Thursday, August 26, 2010

13 Things Your Bartender Won't Tell You- My Thoughts

I saw this article from Reader's Digest.  Having worked in bars and restaurants for over 20 years, I thought I would give my $.02 on "The Secrets of the Bartender..." 
1. Yell, whistle, or wave money and I'm going to make you wait. Make eye contact and smile, and I'll come over as soon as I can. Know what you want and have your money ready. Don't create a traffic jam.  
I don't come into any place of business and snap my fingers, wave my arms or yell for someone to acknowledge me.  I wait patiently to be recognized and complete my business transaction once I am.  You, as a patron of a bar, should do the same.  The bartender will get to you when he/she gets to you.  I also agree that you need to be ready to order- especially when the bar is busy.  Do not get the bartender's attention and then decide to talk to your friends about what drinks you want.  Decide, wait, get served, pay, tip, and drink.  In that order.

2. Start a tab. If I swipe your card five times this evening, that’s five times as much paperwork I have to do at 4 a.m. 
For me, I do not care.  If you want to start a tab, go ahead.  If you want to pay by the drink, go ahead. Whatever is going to be best for the guest is best for me.  It is all about customer service and taking the needs/wants of the guest in mind.

3. You want a drink made "strong?" Then order a double—for double the price. 
I might hook-up a regular guest with a little extra booze now and then, but if it is the first time I have ever seen you, I am pouring to recipe.  If you like more booze, then you need to pay for it.

4. Liquor sales in bars and restaurants were down 2.2 percent last year. Even beer sales are slow. But people scrimp on food first, drinks second. 
People do scrimp on booze too.  Instead of a Tanqueray and Tonic they will order a well gin and tonic.  Instead of a pricey microbrew, they will order a macrobrew.  They will still drink, just not drink the same thing. 

5. A lot of bars have comp tabs, which allows me to give away drinks. It's smart business and helps build a base of regulars.
Come in regularly, order a lot of food and drink, tip well and you will get a couple of comp drinks.  If this is the first time you have ordered from me, I am not going to give you a free one.  You need to earn free drinks. 

6. Bars that don't have regulars (in hotels, airports) have started using wireless gadgets that measure how much is poured and automatically ring up each shot. They're meant to prevent overpouring and to cut losses, but I don't like them—neither do customers. 
Not just bars that don't have regulars but many establishments have started to closely monitor the pouring of drinks.  Times are tough and businesses need to watch costs closely.  Overpouring a drink is throwing money into a glass.  Smart businesses will watch what bartenders pour.

7. If your tipping guideline is still "a buck a drink," listen closely: That doesn't fly if you order a $12 cocktail. Tip at least 15 percent. 
Better yet, tip 20%.  $12 drink?  Tip $2.

8. At some bars, the sliced fruit garnishes sit out until they’re gone, sometimes for days. Munch accordingly.
Oh yeah, never eat the fruit.  It has been handled by god-knows how many hands and has been sitting out all day.  Bar fruit is gross.  Plus, who knows when it was cut.  It might have been cut three days ago and has been sitting out during the day and then put back into the cooler at night.  Gross.

9. The smoothest guys compliment a woman, then walk away—it's very nonthreatening.
Agreed.  Compliment and move on.  If she is interested, she will come see you. 

10. I have the police on speed dial, and I never hesitate to call.
It is better to be safe than sorry.  When the police show up, everything gets taken care of.  People suddenly settle down and there are no more problems.  I let them do their jobs and diffuse the situation. 

11. Don't order a round of drinks after last call. Last call applies to everyone—even you. 
If you order a round of drinks after last call, I will simply tell you, "I called 'Last Call' fifteen minutes ago and that was your chance to order.  We have stopped alcohol service."  What I want to tell you is "You are not so special that you get another round when no one else does.  Pay your tab, go home so I can too."

12. Some of us get a cut from the cab company when we call a taxi for a tipsy patron. Not that I've ever done that, of course.
Never gotten a cut from the cab company.  I call the cabs that will get there the soonest.  I want your drunk-ass out of my restaurant.
13. Last week, a couple had a little too much and got into a dumb argument, then asked me to choose the "winner" of the fight. There isn't a tip big enough to get me involved in that situation! 
Just walk away from any and all arguments.  There is no way to help the situation and your tip will most likely suffer.

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