Friday, August 20, 2010

129 Cardinal Sins of Service- Part Two

More thoughts on the Cardinal Sins of Service.  This next batch has to deal with the table and how it is set for the guest.

5 and 6. "Silverware set askew on the tables" and "Tabletop that isn't picture perfect."
Admittedly, I have not worked in many fine dining establishments so these two, as an employee, did not bother me very much.  When working, I tried to bus the table as quickly as possible and get it rest as quickly as possible so I could get another table.  I never pulled out a T-Square to ensure the napkin and flatware had been properly aligned to the bottom edge of the table.  Simply, I put the napkin down and put flatware on top and straightened it as best and quickly as I could.  During busy times, I would be lucky to get the flatware near the table before the next guest sat down.

One thing that does drive me nuts is when a restaurant seats my party at a table that has not been wiped clean yet.  This is usually done due to lack of communication.  One host says to the other "52 is gone."  The other host takes the next waiting party to the table.  A table being "gone" and being "cleaned" are two different things.  If the silverware is not on the table and some of the condiments are askew, that's fine.  Just make sure the table is clean before you seat me and my friends.

7.  Forks with bent tines.
Just throw bad forks away- don't try to fix them because they never get fixed correctly.  There is nothing worse (okay, maybe there is) than opening a silverware roll-up to see a fork all bent out of shape.  It looks like a medieval torture device.   Most restaurants are buying a ton of flatware every month anyway, just throw the bent one away and replace it.

8.  Unevenly folded napkins.
 This does not bother me much.  Napkins are never perfect squares or rectangles so there is bound to be some overlap and unevenness.  When folding the napkin, do your best to make it look straight.  Don't make it look like my three year old tried to do it.

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